University Services Candidates

There are 17 candidates for 5 open seats.

The University Services candidates provided the following personal statements:

I am honored to have been nominated as a candidate for the Staff/AAP Advisory Council. I am excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with another dedicated group of people and bring my skills and experience to the table. From my experience working with the Culture Leaders Initiative with University Information Services (UIS), I can once again provide my collaborative and leadership expertise to ensure our initiatives that benefit our Hoya community thrive.

I look forward to working closely with you and the rest of the board to achieve our objectives and uphold our organization’s high standards. Thank you once again for the nomination.



I am thankful and privileged to have received a nomination to run for a seat on the Staff/AAP Advisory Council. The Council has achieved remarkable progress since its establishment, and I am eager to contribute to the Advisory Council. I am a principled individual who reflects the values of the university and demonstrates care for others. I have been a vocal supporter of staff within my department, and I believe that serving on the Council will allow me to advocate for the broader employee community effectively. Upholding fairness and transparency are fundamental principles to me, and I see the Council as a crucial mechanism to uphold these values, which I aim to continue.

I greatly appreciate this nomination to join the Advisory Council. I have worked at Georgetown for almost seven years in the Procurement Department. In my tenure at Georgetown I have had an exceptional opportunity to engage with stakeholders from all campuses to guide, strategize and execute their purchasing needs. My role in Capital Contracts has allowed me to exercise my business and legal skills to support Georgetown’s mission to enhance the buildings and spaces on the hill and also expand the University’s footprint at the Capitol Campus. This is indeed an exciting time to be at Georgetown, and I welcome being part of the Staff/AAP Council to further help shape and advance educational and research programs for the university community.

Since I began working at Georgetown last April, I have wanted to get involved and give back to the campus community in some way. Seeing how connected and ingrained my fellow coworkers are in the day to day of campus life has truly inspired me to be more involved. I feel that being on this council will help me grow closer to Georgetown and be more in touch with issues that in turn can help my work and the overall Georgetown community. I have felt extremely accepted after my first year here and hope that I can continue to better the university in any way possible. Although I am new to the Hilltop, I have researched some of the work that the Staff/AAP Advisory Council has been responsible for in the past few years and am extremely grateful for the people who came before me. I wish to continue building upon this to be able to truly make a difference in and around campus and to serve as a liaison between the community and the Georgetown University decision makers. Being a younger person and one who has a fresh perspective on Georgetown, I believe that my background and experience could be well utilized to give a unique perspective to the Staff/AAP Advisory Council.

First, I’d like to express my gratitude in being nominated to join the staff advisory board. As a member of the staff advisory board, I am confident that I can bring a new perspective for positive change in the Georgetown University campus and community. I envision continued progress in restoring and refreshing the campus, ensuring the vision pays homage to our historic attributes. I want to work together to empower and solidify the bond between Georgetown staff and faculty so everyone feels connected, not only to each other, but to the vision for the future. I believe in the importance of building a team environment with mutual accountability and responsibility for each individual’s part in the Georgetown University experience. If I am selected to become part of the staff advisory board, I will work to emphasize that each problem can be met with a long-term, sustainable solution that focuses on the betterment of the university as a whole.

As Georgetown navigates the changing landscape of higher education, it is more important than ever that the voices of staff and AAP employees are represented alongside students and faculty, among other stakeholders. Since arriving at Georgetown in 2007, I have come to appreciate deeply the ways the university strives to live out its Jesuit values. But I have also experienced the persistent challenges of recruiting, retaining and supporting staff in their work and growth as professionals at the university. These values call us to greater support for one another, and for all members of the community who share in its mission. As a member of the Staff/AAP Advisory Council, I hope to continue to elevate the needs and concerns of staff and AAP employees, and to assist the university in living out its commitments as a Jesuit institution.

I’m keenly interested in being a part of the Staff AAP/Council both as a member of the queer and trans community at Georgetown and as a member of a minority religion both on-campus and in general. I also feel that my experience in DEIB spaces, spiritual direction, and my masters in divinity prepare me for learning from and with others in settings like that which I hope the council fosters as well as foster within me a search for the highest form of our collective good.

Having been at Georgetown for the last five years, I have seen our friends and colleagues rise above tremendous challenges through the leadership of the Staff/AAP Council. I’ve greatly admired their work since first joining, and I have a good deal of experience that I can contribute to the next generation. I work daily on strategies and operations to help bring fundraising goals to light, manage relationships with stakeholders trying to put their best foot forward for their colleagues, and I am deeply committed to the values of cura personalis that I find in all of our current and former council members. Representing my colleagues for the next two years would be an honor, and I look forward to working with all those who share in that mission.

I have met some incredible colleagues throughout my tenure at GU. If it were not for such hard-working, thoughtful, and caring individuals, my transition to Georgetown would have been difficult to say the least. In recognizing the positive impact others have had on my experience, I welcome the opportunity to pay it forward by representing my fellow Staff/AAP peers.

I have years of experience in overseeing institutional assessment projects such as satisfaction and climate surveys, time studies, and job readiness inventories. In all instances, I seek out the story behind the numbers and would do the same in this role to highlight both our experiences and our needs.

My background in professional coaching and consulting has afforded me experience with navigating complex workplace environments and identifying strategies to implement effective change. Understanding that change often comes slowly and not without some challenges, I believe this skillset will be helpful to me in advocating for our collective goals.

Lastly, as a staff member at our new Capitol Campus, I have experienced first-hand what we can accomplish when we work toward a common goal. In partnering with others across the University, we have introduced key transportation routes between campuses, established safety protocols and student support services, and implemented orientations to prepare new graduates to call Georgetown home. If given the chance to represent Staff and AAP, I would carry on the practice of collaborating with others with the hopes that all our experiences at GU may be enriched and enhanced going forward.

I would be honored to serve on the Georgetown University’s Staff/AAP Council. I hope as a member of this council that I am able to create a stronger sense of community across Georgetown by connecting with staff and finding ways to eliminate the feeling that we all operate in silos.

If I serve on the staff/AAP advisory council, I would be ready to review and consider proposals, policies and procedures and recommendations from Georgetown’s community. I would positively work to communicate with all offices and departments so that there is a greater awareness of the issues considered by the advisory council. Along with the members of the council, I hope to advance professional growth opportunities for staff so that there is room for new learning supported by the university for all positions.

My name is Saurabh Mitra and I work as a Senior Business Intelligence Developer at UIS. I am writing to express my strong interest in serving on the Staff and AAAP Council. As a senior professional, I am passionate about using my skills and experience not just for my day job, but for the betterment of our entire university community.

Beyond my technical expertise, I am deeply committed to public service and fostering a sense of belonging. I believe in the power of collaboration to learn, grow, and achieve larger goals. I am particularly enthusiastic about the Council’s focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and its commitment to building a strong staff and administrative community. I am passionate about mindful living for leading a balanced life and to that end lead weekly meditation sessions for UIS and envision a university-wide program in future.

My vision aligns perfectly with the Council’s mission. I am a strong advocate for clear communication and collaboration between staff, faculty, and administration. My experience working across departments allows me to understand the diverse needs and perspectives of our community.

I am confident that my collaborative spirit, passion for DEI, and commitment to professional development would make me a valuable asset to the Council. I am eager to contribute to its work of advocating for staff and administrative professionals and ensuring their voices are heard at the highest levels of the university. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Before becoming the administrative officer of the Office of General Counsel, I worked as a temp in a series of six-month stints in a variety of offices of the University. This experience has provided me with a broad understanding of the mechanics of the University’s administration, and more importantly, an opportunity to share the professional experiences of administrators in dean’s offices, faculty departments, offices offering student support, and engagement with the community. I am also an alumnus and formerly a tuition paying parent. I believe I will be able to contribute insights that will help advance the interests of staff professionals.

I am currently in my third year at Georgetown University and joining the Staff Council piques my interest as an access to contribute meaningful changes for the community. While I may not have all the ideas, I believe being surrounded by like-minded people on the council will facilitate the space for meaningful discussions. As such, great ideas will emerge from these discussions leading to meaningful change over time. I am grateful for the nomination from my colleagues to run for the staff council and I would be honored to serve a two-year term if elected.

Running for the Staff/AAP Advisory Council at Georgetown University presents an invaluable opportunity to actively contribute to the betterment of our university community. I am eager to help identify areas for improvement that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a Facilities Project Manager, my main goal is to streamline processes and synthesize evidence to develop effective solutions to complex problems. My position is categorized as “on campus,” so I am on campus five days a week. In my role as Project Manager, I oversee projects across the entire Main Campus. This experience has enabled me to connect with many people and observe a variety of issues affecting our staff and AAP, such as benefits, raises, equity and inclusion, parking, and paid family leave. With this insight, I believe my perspective would effectively represent not just Administrative Services, but the entire University. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to Georgetown University’s continued success. Thank you for your support.

I am honored to be nominated for a Staff/AAP Advisory Council position. With over 9 years of Higher Education experience and nearly two years of experience at Georgetown, I am well-versed in the needs of our employee community. My role at the University is to listen, synthesize, and transmit information which would be a benefit for this position. I can also speak to the perspective of recent hires, particularly those that are fully remote and may have different needs from those who are on-campus. I would love the opportunity to represent you, hear you, and advocate for you.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am still relatively new to Georgetown–I started in January 2023–but my career in higher education spans the last 20 years, having served in administrative and teaching roles at two different universities and a small liberal arts college. I wish to serve on this council on your behalf in collaboration with others to keep making Georgetown better. I believe that as staff members we have unique perspectives on what makes Georgetown so great and where its most significant opportunities are to improve. Now that I have my legs under me, I hope to keep advancing this historic, prestigious institution forward through my servant leadership and constructive work with others.

As a staff member of both the Law Center (2015-2023) and now University Services since March 2023), I am increasingly interested in both advocacy and working to enrich the working lives of colleagues at Georgetown. In my time at Georgetown, I have worked with numerous departments across all campuses and feel that have a good understanding of priorities of Staff and AAP employees and would be a value representative for them.