2024 Election

Posted in Announcements

The following seats will be up for election for two-year terms:

Main Campus: 5 Seats
University Services: 5 Seats
Medical Center: 4 Seats
Law Center: 2 Seats
GU-Qatar: 1 Seat

What is the election process?  Nominations will be accepted until May 1st. We will post candidate names and statements to our website and voting will begin June 3rd. Voting will end June 7th, and the winners will be notified in mid-June.

For how many candidates may I vote? You may vote for as many candidates as there are open seats for your campus. The number of seats for each campus is proportional, based on the count of eligible staff and AAP employees on Main Campus, Law Center, Medical Center, University Services, and GU-Q. Please email staffaapcouncil@georgetown.edu to report any problems in the voting process.

There is someone else from my department on the Council. Does this make me ineligible? Not at all! Our goal, however, is to have as many different offices/viewpoints represented as possible so we can accurately represent the Staff/AAP community.

If elected, how long is my term? Can I run again once my term is up? Terms are two years long, and you may run for re-election once it is complete. There are no term limits on the Council.

How much time of a time commitment is the Council? It depends on the level of involvement you choose to have. We want to respect that our Council members are volunteers with full time jobs and other commitments, however, we have limited spots and we hope to attract colleagues who want to contribute a lot to our priorities!  At the minimum, Council members are expected to attend Council-wide quarterly meetings, as well as once or twice monthly campus caucus meetings where we meet with just the representatives from our individual campuses.  The caucuses might choose to do a monthly brown bag lunch for constituents or other activities. Our voluntary Task Forces meet monthly and on an ad/hoc basis, and our Executive Committee meets bi-weekly together and then bi-weekly with campus leadership.  Individual Council members may be asked to serve on various campus-wide committees, but this is voluntary.

How do I get involved in Task Forces? When you join the Council, you may volunteer to join a Task Force based on your interests.  Task Forces are voluntary, and Council members are able to work on the Council’s priorities in a smaller group which will report out to the Executive Committee.

What if I don’t have time to serve but want to be involved? We encourage you to come to our open meetings, make suggestions on our feedback form, email us, or schedule a meeting with a Council member to share your ideas!

I have more questions! Please feel free to email any Council member or email our general inbox at staffaapcouncil@georgetown.edu.